So much for Greg Abbott

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The incompetent Governor of Texas likes to protect his image. This image is of a strong and concerned cowboy, a “man’s man,” an alpha male of the first degree. Only this image is fake. It’s merely a carefully sculpted reflection. It’s an image that, with a bit of prodding, can vanish only too quickly, leaving not even a shimmer behind.

This is because the real Greg Abbott is an unconcerned and politically calculating fool who has almost ruined the state of Texas and does not appear to give a damn about anyone nor anything except his own miserable self.

And it appears some people in Uvalde, Texas, are wise to this image. Abbott, no doubt, eager for a photo op, arrived in Uvalde to meet President Biden, who was coming to visit to give comfort. And he got something he perhaps had not bargained for. A chorus of boos.

“Boo!” Not one, not two, but a whole chorus of pissed-off Texans could be heard booing the heck out of the non-Governor. There goes his carefully curated “image.” Greg Abbott doesn’t give a damn about much. There has been talking about him having a “special session” on gun violence.

Only the talk is not coming from HIM — it is coming from activists who want him to do just that. Abbott is a lost cause. He will never care enough to stand up to the big man-eating machine that is the NRA.

He can’t. He has no courage. People like Abbott care about only one thing, and that is — saving their own skin. But my gosh, was it good to hear those boos. It was good to see that some people get it. What they get is that Greg Abbott’s image is a mirage. It is imaginary. And it’s fading quickly. My wish is to see it evaporate entirely.

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