A Rainy Night in Georgia – for Donald Trump

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After primary votes were tallied, it is highly unlikely that former “president” Donald Trump had Georgia on his mind. The citizens of Georgia thumbed their noses at Trump and his “stolen election” nonsense by sending Governor Brian Kemp back to face off against Stacey Abrams and handing an embarrassing defeat to Trump lackey David Purdue by over 50 points. Rolling Stone had fun with the news, starting out their piece with: “A year after coughing up his Senate seat to Democrat Jon Ossof, the 72-year-old business executive-turned-politician has been trounced in the Republican primary for governor of Georgia.” Ouch. As Rolling Stone pointed out, Perdue ran solely on the “stolen election” platform. Guess that didn’t turn out to well for him.

Pouring salt into Trump’s wound, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger handily defeated Trump stooge Jody Hice, and Trump challengers also lost the races for insurance commissioner and attorney general. Clearly, the voters of Georgia either no longer believe Trump’s fantasy or they’ve had enough of it. Either way, Trump was pretty much left hung out to dry in Georgia, except for non-resident Herschel Walker, who won the Republican senate primary. That win, however, had very little to do with Trump’s endorsement. If there’s one thing in Georgia people love more than life itself, it’s Georgia football. That is what carried Walker over the finish line and makes him the most dangerous of Trump’s endorsees because he will run against Senator Raphael Warnock. Early polls show them neck-and-neck, but we can’t afford to sit by and watch things unfold. Senator Warnock has already done great things for the state of Georgia, and he deserves to remain in place. He certainly does not deserve being unseated by someone who doesn’t even live in the state and who might win based on popularity. No offense, but Herschel can barely speak English, and it is doubtful he will be able to “ABC” himself through complicated legislation. Besides and most importantly, he does not live in Georgia. He knows nothing about what we need and want. Go run in Texas, Herschel.

Paul Ryan had something to say about the victories in Georgia: “Georgia underscores one of Trump’s big problems if/when he runs again. He, of course, won’t be able to let go of the 2020 nonsense and nobody wants to hear his whining about it anymore.” Even Paul Ryan can apparently have moments of lucidity. Unfortunately, Georgia didn’t get everything right, as Marjorie Taylor Greene won her primary. After all her lies and outrageous behavior, the people of the 14th District wanted her back. God only knows why because she has done absolutely nothing. AP said it best: “Trump set the model in 2016, and his followers are perfecting it—never let a scandal get in the way of winning an election.” Therein lies the problem. We need honest, hardworking people in Washington, not loudmouthed blowhards like Greene. Hopefully, she will somehow be upset in the November election. Continuing the streak of losers winning, Vernon Jones is in a runoff with Mike Collins for a new Congressional seat in Georgia. Hopefully, he too will lose in the runoff. One lying, scandalous person from Georgia in Congress is enough.

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