Donald Trump is losing to his nemesis

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Poor David Perdue! He desperately wants a career in politics, or so it would seem. Perdue wants to be Georgia’s new Governor. And at first, it appeared it might indeed happen. He had the Trump endorsement. He had the GOP smarminess. He had the big lie. He was sleaze personified. What could go wrong, right?

As it turns out — everything. Many in the GOP make this primal mistake. They think a Trump endorsement spells victory. They miscalculate. They don’t worry enough about the undertow. And that tangled, muddy undertow can often be way more powerful than anyone might expect, especially if that person making an endorsement no longer rides the wave of success. Perhaps that one person’s endorsement is as vacant as an empty ocean.

As I write these words, Purdue trails badly. Trump has mostly washed his hands of the trailing candidate, although he plans to hold a virtual rally for him Monday night. But it might take a miracle for Purdue to win. I say this because he is down by a lot.

He is losing — badly. And he’s losing to the last person in the world Trump wants to see in — Brian Kemp — Trump’s nemesis. Trump detests Kemp. He detests him because Kemp did not go along with the big lie. Now that does not mean Kemp is a good person — he’s not.

But he isn’t quite as rotten as Purdue, although admittedly, that’s a low bar. So Trump might be stuck with him. And reportedly, he is furious. And many in the GOP are reportedly angry at Trump — because they felt Purdue should have run for Senate — not Governor.

Former Trump aide Scott Jennings appeared on State of the Union on CNN and even said it would have been better had Purdue run for the Senate, not for the Governor’s office. It will be a very bitter pill for the orange insurrectionist to swallow if Purdue loses, which he seems likely to do.

And what then? Will Trump accuse Kemp of stealing the election? Will, he demands a recount? Will Purdue concede? One has to wonder with the GOP. If things go down as it looks like they may, the insurrectionist will be hugely embarrassed on Tuesday — and that’s just fine with me.

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