Eric Swalwell has had just about enough of Lauren Boebert’s crap

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Watching the sun rise and set can be both a relaxing experience and a breathtaking one. The colors can be magnificent — often coming in captivating shades of pinks, corals, and reds, to name a few. It is also a time to relax and think about the good things in life — and the good people.

One of those people is Rep. Eric Swalwell. Swalwell is a force for good, and we’re lucky to have him. He is also fantastic in his ability to push back at the crazy on social media, of which there is much.

This week some crazy reared its ugly head in the form of Colorado’s Lauren Boebert.

This should not be a surprise. Boebert throws out falsehoods so easily that it’s as if she was born for the sole purpose of being a Twitter troll.

But Swalwell was not going to let her get away with it. There are some terrific corporations out there that offer to pay the traveling expenses of any of their workers who might need an abortion.

That appears to bother Boebert. Because she lashed out on Twitter, accusing these companies of only making this offer to get out of paying for parental leave.

I’ve written about a lot of stupid comments made by stupid Republicans. But I must say this might win the award for the most ridiculous — not an easy thing to do with all the silly floating around out there.

Here is what she said: “Anyone else considers that these companies suddenly offering to pay for employees’ abortions are doing so just to avoid paying for maternity leave? Cheaper to kill the baby…true evil personified.”

Boebert’s tweet, so ignorant and vicious, stunned even many on Twitter. But some were quick to fire back, and Eric Swalwell had the perfect response, in this writer’s opinion: “Imagine being so pro-life that you are willing to vote against baby formula.”

At the time of this writing, that tweet by Swalwell had almost 80k likes. Boebert is a vicious person, but as long as we have people like Swalwell around, we should be appreciative. The next time you witness a gorgeous sunrise, send a silent thank you to Rep. Swalwell.

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