Mike Lindell is hemorrhaging money

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Another day, another epic meltdown from MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell. Lindell (needs help badly, insurrection party, Minnesota) has declared that he wants to file some more lawsuits — in all 50 states. He also has said he wants all voting machines to be “ditched.”

How would that work exactly? How would anybody vote? Nobody seems to know. I’ve lost track of Lindell’s loopy proclamations that don’t make any sense. The man has lost everything by continuing to support Trump and the myth of the big lie. He clearly is unstable and doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

Lindell told The Guardian he has so far spent a whopping $30 million to get and retain about 70 attorneys. All in service to the big lie. “I didn’t come all this way not to succeed,” he declared. Succeed in WHAT? Showing the world what a lunatic you are? Can someone please get this man some much-needed HELP? I mean it.

Mike Lindell has clearly lost his marbles. It really would be nice if someone were to tell him that and maybe get him the help he so desperately needs. His words make no sense. His brain is like the worst and loopiest Twitter algorithm. And I do not think in his own mind he’s lying. The man actually appears to believe his own words, which is quite concerning.

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