Everyone piles on after Marco Rubio humiliates himself

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It is this writer’s opinion that Florida Senator Marco Rubio hates women. Rubio (do-nothing, Insurrection party, Florida) seems somehow worse to me than Senators such as Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz.

This is because little Marco shames himself by tweeting out Bible Verses and pretending to be a kind and decent man who loves everybody. He most certainly does not love women.

Senator Rubio is currently experiencing massive push-back after tweeting a comment about women — and abortion rights — that is so stupid, so devoid of meaning — so crackling with disdain that EVERY Floridian should take notice.

Here is the pipsqueak’s tweet: “If we have ‘pregnant people,’ then how can Roe be about a woman’s right to choose?” Behold this tweet, female Floridians, because this is how little your Senator thinks of you.

To little Marco, you’re a joke — a non-person –, someone to crack jokes that are not funny about. Little Rubio reminds me of a character from “The Stepford Wives.” I count Ira Levin’s “The Stepford Wives” as one of my top ten books of all time.

If you have not read it, I recommend you do. It will likely scare the heck out of you.

When The Stepford Wives was first released, feminism was just becoming a thing. People were shocked by it.

I am not saying Rubio would have females turned into robots. But the book’s symbolism matters. The underlying theme was women as non-people — as property. It was a bitter allegory and one that was way ahead of its time. So was the film of the same name.

And this tweet shows well Rubio’s utter contempt for women. Nobody with a soul — with empathy — would even THINK about joking abortion. And yet Rubio — the king of fear, the cowardly lion, has seemingly no shame about tweeting something like this.

Therefore, I think it’s only fair to say that if Rubio is capable of tweeting this, women’s feelings must not matter to him. Evidently, it never entered the man’s non-mind that this could be incredibly hurtful — and callous.

Therefore I go back to my leading sentence. Marco Rubio hates women. It is time to ELECT a woman as Florida’s Senator. Val Demings is running against Rubio. She is a magnificent candidate. We must win Florida, and with Demings, we can.

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