Lord help us if this clown wins

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One can only wonder when and if this “stolen election” nonsense will come to an end. Of course, if politicians who bow to Donald Trump exist, that is not going to happen. A situation in Georgia shows just how dangerous this lie is and the peril it can cause in the future if those politicians are elected. CNN did a fact check on the recent debate for the office of Secretary of State in Georgia between incumbent Brad Raffensperger and Trump lackey Jody Hice. Just like David Perdue, Hice spent the better part of the debate regurgitating the lie that the 2020 election was stolen. The frightening issue with Hice is that he is running for Secretary of State, which means if he wins, he will control our elections in Georgia and will ensure that Republicans win regardless of the final vote.

In the recent debate, Hice told some real whoppers. Raffensperger knows this and tried to remind everyone that Hice “has just not been honest for the last 18 months, and he has been spreading misinformation, disinformation.” This statement is true. CNN pointed out that Hice has built his campaign around the ever-present false claims surrounding the 2020 election. According to Hice, had the election “been fair,” Trump would have won, but that is not enough for him. He went on to tell lies about Raffensperger’s actions or inactions (in his mind) after the election.

According to CNN, Hice claimed that Raffensperger “created ballot harvesting in Georgia.” CNN called that claim patently false. Raffensperger didn’t take office until three months after Governor Brian Kemp signed a law outlawing harvesting, which refers to people collecting ballots for others and delivering them to polls to be counted. Kemp signed this law in 2019, requiring people to either personally deliver their votes or have them delivered by someone with whom they live. Ballot harvesting, then, did not ever occur after 2019. Raffensperger, in fact, opened an investigation into claims of harvesting made by a right-wing group, so, no, Raffensperger did not create ballot harvesting, and Jody Hice is an idiot.

Hice also claimed that Raffensperger “made deals” with Stacey Abrams, which no one in their right mind would ever believe. CNN also debunked that lie. CNN pointed to a settlement reached between Raffensperger and the Georgia Democratic Party relating to Georgia’s signature verification process, in which Stacey Abrams had absolutely no involvement. Debate panelists tried in vain to correct Hice, but he stuck to his lies. That’s what is scary about him running for office.

Hice has a shot at winning in Georgia, and if he does, we certainly cannot trust any election results in this state until he is gone. Here’s an idea: Every Democrat in the State of Georgia should vote in the Republican primary to ensure that Raffensperger wins the Republican nomination. After that, go out and vote for the Democrat, regardless of which of them wins the primary. Even if we end up with Raffensperger again, he has shown that he at least has some integrity when it comes to voting. You can count on Hice having none.

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