Donald Trump’s attack on Republican Senator Bob Corker reveals just how cut off he is

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This morning Donald Trump woke up and did what, by now, has become his custom of late: he hopped on Twitter and brazenly attacked yet another member of his own Republican Party. This time it was Republican Senator Bob Corker of Tennessee. If that name sounds particularly familiar, it’s because Corker recently questioned Trump’s mental stability. But it wasn’t that that recently – and that may be the most alarming part of the problem.

Here’s what Trump tweeted about Bob Corker this morning: “Strange statement by Bob Corker considering that he is constantly asking me whether or not he should run again in ’18. Tennessee not happy!” (link). Corker had been quite harsh toward Trump, so it wasn’t shocking to see Trump push back. But Corker made his comments eight days ago. It was all over the news at the time.

Unless you believe that Donald Trump is studiously using some kind of message calendar to schedule out his Twitter attacks on Republicans in advance, the real story is that it took Trump eight days to finally hear about Corker’s attack on him. This despite the fact that Corker said it on video, which was immediately and repeatedly aired by the likes of CNN and MSNBC, while also appearing in the headlines of most major newspapers and news sites. And yet Trump somehow missed all of that until more than a week later.

That’s because while Donald Trump spends significant time watching cable news each day, he only watches Fox News, and best we can tell, they didn’t properly cover Bob Corker’s remarks about Trump at the time. Beyond that, it’s been widely reported that Trump’s handlers only feed him news articles that are positive about himself or that fit his agenda. Trump is so cut off from the outside world that it took him eight days to learn that one of the leaders of his own party called him mentally unstable. What other kind of vital and relevant information is Trump cut off from?

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