What the January 6th Committee is really doing with Clarence and Ginni Thomas

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The January 6th Committee is now talking openly about subpoenaing Ginni Thomas, meaning it’ll likely happen soon. Remember, the point isn’t to get her to testify, because we know she won’t do that. The point is to ramp up pressure on Clarence Thomas to resign to try to protect her.

The committee knows it can use the threat of a criminal contempt referral against Ginni Thomas to try to pressure Clarence to resign. The DOJ can always indict her later on sedition charges if applicable. The point right now is to convince Clarence Thomas to rush out the door in a panic, before the midterms, so we can replace him.

So as the committee moves forward with the process of seeking testimony from Ginni Thomas, keep in mind that the point isn’t to rush the subpoena process in the hope it’ll somehow deliver instant testimony. The subpoena process likely won’t be delivering testimony at all. The point is to milk the subpoena process for all the headlines it’s worth, in order to pressure Clarence Thomas to step down for “health” reasons.

Clarence Thomas may conclude that if he retires before the subpoena against his wife can be issued, or before the criminal contempt referral is sent to the DOJ, perhaps the committee will decide not to go through with it. The committee doesn’t actually have to let Ginni Thomas off the hook; it just has to get Clarence panicked enough that he decides to retire in the feeble hope it’ll get his wife off the hook.

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