Donald Trump and Mo Brooks are now trying to take each other down

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Mo Brooks declines to go further down the Trump rabbit hole, Trump revokes his endorsement, Brooks responds by admitting Trump asked him to overthrow the election. This is how villains spitefully take each other down. And the odds of the DOJ indicting Trump just went up a notch.

It’s not clear if Brooks decided his odds of winning the Alabama race are higher by distancing himself from Trump, or if Brooks is afraid of 1/6 criminal prosecution. Either way, he just volunteered to be a DOJ cooperating witness, whether he realizes it or not (he is an idiot).

The “DOJ is doing nothing” crowd will continue to insist that “nothing will happen.” But back in the real world, the DOJ cooperating plea deal with Roger Stone’s driver three weeks ago continues to reverberate. Even an idiot like Brooks can see the DOJ is looking to flip Stone.

If Stone does cut a 1/6 cooperating plea deal, everyone goes down. Trump, obviously. Along with every member of Congress that Stone criminally conspired with; better to get out ahead of it.

Stone surely does not want to have to flip. But his driver’s plea deal means they’ve got him nailed. And Stone has already shown that he’s not willing to spend one day in prison for anyone.

At the least, Mo Brooks has decided that he’s now better off being anti-Trump than pro-Trump, which for a Republican in Alabama is remarkable. Is he counting on Trump being an indicted pariah by November? Or is Brooks forfeiting his career to try to keep himself out of prison? We’ll see.

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