Ron DeSantis can’t run away from this

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It’s sad when an elected Governor decides to turn into a power-hungry, vile shithead, isn’t it? That’s exactly what Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is doing. His “don’t say gay” bill is sparking outrage all over Florida and the rest of the country.

There is something particularly sadistic about this bill, isn’t there? A man such as DeSantis — a man who would hurt and use our children like this — deserves a visit from his conscience.

Alas, it would appear DeSantis does not have one of THOSE. No, the conscience of DeSantis appears to be taking a long nap if it ever existed at all, which I have my doubts about. So, others are bringing a little gift to the Floridian coward. This gift comes in the form of billboards — many, many billboards — going up all over the sunshine state:

“SAY, GAY,” these signs call out. Say it, say it, say it. The signs are gorgeous — they stand regally with crisp black lettering. “SAY, GAY.” All over, these dazzling billboards stand. The #saygay hashtag is all over Twitter.

These mischievous billboards are the gift to DeSantis from activists who will not take this garbage without fighting back. SAY, GAY. What will DeSantis think? Will these billboards enrage him? Most likely. Just look at them. Ron DeSantis will — he will have no choice — they’re going up all over Florida.

It must be driving him mad that there isn’t anything he can do. The billboards stand merrily, encouraging people to be themselves and giving a merry little wink to passing cars whizzing on by. SAY, GAY.

I just love activists. And I love Florida. I do not, however, love Ron DeSantis. Neither do these billboards. Hopefully, come election time, neither will the polls.

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