House Republican goes berserk and begins attacking Mitch McConnell as GOP is in disarray

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Mo Brooks of Alabama has not had an easy time of it. He is desperately trying to become Alabama’s next Senator, but he’s doing a terrible job of it. And it appears Brooks knows this. So he is upping his disgusting behavior in the only way a GOP sycophant knows how to do. He is turning on the turtle.

It’s no secret of the war between Trump and Turtle McConnell. They cannot stand each other, and it has been rather amusing to watch the turtle’s open repulsion toward the lord of the lies. But Brooks appears to think hating on the turtle might just net him the golden ticket to the Senate.

Because Brooks has come out and announced, he wants the turtle booted from the Senate leadership position. It is rather nice to watch them eat their own, isn’t it? Calling the turtle a “RINO,” Brooks went on to say he is “week-kneed,” a debt junkie, and is for open borders.

You just can’t make this stuff up. Brooks actually appears to think these words will help him win. Normally they might. See, Maga has no strong policy positions. Their main thing is hate. And if a particular candidate shows they’re angry and scornful enough, that might be enough to win the hearts of MAGA.

That and kissing the butt of assolini, something I would not wish on my worst enemy. But here is why I doubt it will work this time. Brooks has earned Trump’s wrath. He dared to suggest Republicans should move on from the 2020 election.

That is a sin in the eyes of Trump. And I think that is far worse an offense to Trump, than hating on McConnell, which other Senatorial candidates also have done. Like the psychopath and malignant narcissist he is, Trump does not forgive nor forget. So, all these words do is show Brooks is desperate. He’s so desperate, in fact, that he is making himself look ridiculous. And it is mighty fun to watch.

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