“Enhanced Criminal Penalties” against Donald Trump

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Now that the DOJ has a cooperating plea deal with Roger Stone’s Oath Keeper driver, even as it begins rounding up the Proud Boys as well, it’s becoming fairly clear that the DOJ will attempt to force Stone to flip on Donald Trump. Meanwhile, the January 6th Committee – which is doing its job in spite of getting very little recent media coverage due to Putin’s meltdown – continues to work its own angles.

The January 6th Committee has publicly hinted multiple times before that once it finishes building its criminal case against Donald Trump and presents it during primetime hearings, it will make a criminal referral against Trump to the DOJ.

Now Liz Cheney, the vice chair of the committee, says that the committee is looking to bring “additional enhanced criminal penalties” against Donald Trump for having refused to tell his domestic terrorist supporters to disperse as he watched them invade the Capitol and try to overthrow the election.

This matters, because as the worst of doomsday pundits keep insisting that the “DOJ is doing nothing,” the facts of the matter are that the DOJ has indicted the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys leadership, has cut a plea deal with Stone’s driver, has criminally indicted Steve Bannon, and more. Federal criminal cases against crime bosses are always built by flipping people upward until reaching the top, which the DOJ is clearly doing. The January 6th Committee’s criminal referral against Trump will just make it easier for the DOJ to indict Trump, and harder for the DOJ not to indict Trump.

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