Jim Jordan thinks this is a distraction

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It is a safe bet that if Jim Jordan criticizes legislation, it is probably something everyone else wants or needs. Newsweek reported on something called the CROWN Act. According to Newsweek, “CROWN” stands for Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair. This act, of course, relates to Black people, which likely explains why Jim Jordan calls it a “distraction.”

The act passed the House of Representatives in a vote of 235 to 189, with 14 Republicans voting in favor. We can assume Jordan wasn’t one of them. There have apparently been incidents nationwide of hairstyles being banned as “unprofessional.” Now, on the face of things, fighting over hair doesn’t seem to be that big of a deal, but when it relates to natural hair, it is a discriminatory issue.

Al Green of Texas called the issue “a kitchen table issue in Black households.” Green said that people have been fired over their choice of hairstyles, which ultimately creates unemployment and make it an issue with which Congress is obligated to deal. Jerry Nadler added that he has heard of incidents of students being sent home from school or told they could not participate in graduation, and others have been ordered to change their hair because it “violated an employer’s dress code.” Pink and green hair is apparently okay as long as it is straight.

Newsweek shared the story of a high school honors student being barred from graduation because he wears dreadlocks. According to Newsweek, many Black children and teens have been discriminated against because of their choice to wear natural hair. How someone wears their hair does not indicate the type of employee or student they might be, especially when you consider the young man who graduated with honors. Apparently, his natural hair doesn’t stop his brain from working, so where is the argument here? It is utterly discriminatory and closely resembles religious discrimination based on head coverings. This is just foolishness, and it is a shame that Congress had to step into something that should be a non-issue.

Instead of playing a role in stopping discrimination, Jordan would rather blame President Biden for rising gas prices, which is ridiculous. A president can no more control the price of gas and oil than he can slow how fast the world turns. Many issues come into play that cause oil and gas prices to rise, including wars-Russia’s invasion of Ukraine sent the cost of crude oil skyrocketing-and corporate greed. Even though the price has dropped from $123 per barrel to $105, gas prices continue to climb. It seems that if oil companies are saving money, they should be passing along those savings to the American people.

No matter the cause of rising gas prices, Jim Jordan certainly cannot lay the blame at President Biden’s feet because he has no control over such things. We are, however, talking about Jim Jordan. Using his own words, he is merely creating a distraction from the continued racism and discrimination in this country.

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