Tucker Carlson is just that far gone

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Tucker Carlson is a traitor. I didn’t feel like being subtle on this one. What is a traitor? A traitor is defined as: “a person who betrays a friend, country, or principle.”

What is terrorism? It’s defined as: “The calculated use of unlawful violence or THREAT OF UNLAWFUL violence to inculcate fear: INTENDED TO COERCE OR TO INTIMIDATE governments or SOCIETIES in the pursuit of goals that are generally POLITICAL, RELIGIOUS OR IDEOLOGICAL.”

Hmmm…sound familiar? Tucker is now strongly advancing the idea to his crazed watchers that “secret bio-labs” might be percolating in Ukraine. ABC’s chief Washington correspondent Johnathan Karl even ripped into the Kremlin’s pundit, saying Carlson’s words were “indistinguishable” from Pro-Putin talking points.

And it is having an effect. All over social media, whispers of Carlson’s propaganda are being spread by Maga. Remember that Carlson attempted to brainwash his audience, arguing earnestly that viewers should look within themselves to figure out why they hated Putin.

And Tucker’s hate rhetoric is even being called out by Fox pundits themselves, such as Jennifer Griffin, who has continued to loudly object and debunk the Tucker propaganda. And Tucker’s words have even been featured on Russian media. Now witness what some of our own have to say about Tucker on Twitter. Brace yourself. It isn’t pretty, but indoctrination never is:

“Tucker Carlson is a national hero.”

“Tucker’s not wrong.”

“The only guy who tells it like it is.”

Tucker tells it alright. He tells it Russian-style. It is From Russia, with love, playing out on American Television sets night after night, after night.

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