Sick bastard Ron DeSantis must be stopped

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It rained where I live — it rained a great deal this week. Many become melancholy when it rains. There are fundamental atmospheric shifts that go on, causing some people to feel sad, dark, gloomy. In ancient folklore, rain could be seen as the sky crying. And this week, the sky surely cries for Florida.

It gives me no pleasure to write this piece. I’d much prefer to write about victory in Florida, of jubilation in successfully fighting off the “don’t say gay” bill. Alas, this isn’t what happened. The bill, championed by a cruel man, has passed. I cannot even comprehend the damage this bill has the ability to do — and most likely will do.

All over the state, there are protests against this barbaric bill. And Governor DeSantis appears mighty proud of himself. I am going to say something very controversial that many Palmer Report readers likely will not agree with me on. But Palmer Report has a big tent. We do not chastise those who disagree. I think DeSantis is as much of a danger as Trump ever was, possibly more.

If I had a choice before me — put Trump in prison or eject DeSantis from office — I’d choose the latter. Remember, Bill Palmer and others here have warned against “another Trump.” DeSantis won’t be President. But he is destroying what was once my favorite state in the country, a beautiful state, an oasis.

He is destroying it with his unhinged hysteria, his determination to turn back the clock and take dignity away from us all. He may not be the brightest, but he knows how to get Political legislation passed in Florida. This is why he is so dangerous.

If this man wins reelection in the midterms — think of it. Think of the damage he will do. Think of the schemes likely already percolating in that cunning and soulless brain of his. What else might he be capable of doing? So it is imperative that we put this race out at the forefront. Ron DeSantis must be stopped. And he must be stopped with our votes and our voices.

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