Tucker Carlson completely unravels over Russia

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As a new day dawns and Americans watch with unease, reports pour in from the television screen on the Russia and Ukraine situation. Some people worry. Others despair. What if the worst happens, many wonder. All over the country, people wait — for news of the tense situation.

But most Americans have one thing in common — they want the country to be OK. They want Ukraine to be OK because they hold a deep and abiding love of peace. Nobody wants a war. Except that is, for a few people.

And one of those people appears on peoples’ TV screens nightly. Night after night, he is there — screaming his anti-American belligerence and interrupting the tranquility of the night. This person has a name, and that name is Tucker Carlson — agent of Russia.

Carlson is amping it up a bit each day. He is now openly defending Russia. Even since I wrote my last article about him (and that was only a day ago), his hate rhetoric has worsened. Tucker is now attempting to brainwash his audience into liking Russia. Don’t believe me? Consider these words:

“Why do I hate Putin?”

And then he asked his viewers:

Why do you hate Putin?

Tucker urged them to look within themselves.

“Has Putin ever called me a racist? Has he threatened to get me fired for disagreeing with him?”

You see it happening, do you not readers? You see the brainwashing — the 1984ing — the mind control — of Tucker regarding Russia. At least one man didn’t fall for it. I witnessed his bewilderment myself on social media. “Tucker, what are you talking about?” this man exclaimed.

“I know you can’t possibly mean it,” the man continued. “I watch you, but you can’t be serious about this.” This man sounded repulsed and almost — devastated. Perhaps for him, the rose-colored glasses had fallen away.

But for others, it will go on. I predicted long ago that eventually, Tucker would go too far. While he still hasn’t been fired, my gut instinct is he will be at some point. Tucker can’t stop himself. In any event, say hello to Putin’s biggest fan — Mr. Tucker Carlson.

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