Here comes the anti-Trump convention

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CPAC is hurtling toward us, and we already know it will be a dumpster fire. But another convention will be going on. This will be an anti-Trump convention. And it’s being hosted by Republicans. Who would have thought it?

Principles First is a grassroots organization and will be hosting this event. It will take place February 26-27. And guess who is slated to appear at this event? Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger will not only be guests at the event but they will be speakers as well.

This will be very interesting. Two different branches of Republicans are having dueling conventions. One of them will include independents and grassroots activists. This is the one where Kinzinger and Cheney will speak.

Of course, the other one will be filled with dazed and rabid non-politicians, all honoring the lord of the lies. Perhaps they will surpass themselves with yet another golden statue of assolini they can pay homage to.

Anything goes at CPAC. But I like that the anti-Trump wing of the party is having its own convention. And what this shows is the sane wing of the GOP — small though it might be — is alive and well.

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