Rudy Giuliani confesses to secret stash of evidence in his bedroom, reveals just how far gone he is

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When it was announced that Rudy Giuliani had begun fully cooperating with the January 6th Committee, we pointed out that it was impossible for Rudy to be “playing” the committee, because he lacks the cognitive abilities to even try such a thing. Either Rudy is cooperating because he’s finally figured out that he has to give up Trump in order to stay out of prison, or Rudy is playing incoherent games that’ll only make things worse for himself and Trump.

Rudy is now wasting no time proving this premise. He just appeared on a right wing propaganda channel and announced that he has a secret stash of evidence that somehow proves Hillary Clinton is guilty of some kind of nonsense – and that the evidence has been hiding in his bedroom for years. No really, Rudy said this.

Here’s the problem. First, no such evidence against Hillary Clinton exists. If it did, Rudy Giuliani wouldn’t be the only person who secretly knew about it, nor would he have sat on it all this time for no good reason. It’s not clear if Rudy is referring to an actual stack of documents in his bedroom that’s of little value, or if he’s making up the whole thing. Either way, keep in mind that the FBI raided his home fairly recently.

If these documents have been in Rudy’s bedroom for years, then the FBI has surely already found them and processed them. That’s a real problem for Rudy, given that when he claims he has evidence against others, it usually turns out to just be documentation of how Rudy himself broke the law while trying and failing to find evidence against others. And if the FBI didn’t find any such stack of documents in Rudy’s bedroom, it just might decide to come back and check again.

But even setting aside how these documents are likely a liability for Rudy Giuliani (if they even exist), the real problem for Rudy is more fundamental. He’s so far gone cognitively, he’s now going on television and not only claiming to have a stash of secret evidence, he’s revealing precisely where in his house he’s hidden this evidence, at a time when the FBI already has a search and seizure warrant for his home. Rudy is that deep into mental incompetence. There’s no way he’s playing anyone at this point. Maybe he’ll help the January 6th Committee and maybe he won’t, but he’s certainly not going to help himself any.

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