Donald Trump goes on illiterate bender, declares “we will heel”

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After having fired White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon yesterday, Donald Trump doesn’t seem to know what to do with himself. He started today by kissing up to Bannon while insulting Hillary Clinton. Then he kissed up to his Generals. Then he seemed to attack the anti-Nazi protesters in Boston, before turning around and trying to praise them. But in the process, he ended up going so off the rails in such illiterate fashion, only one word of his message got across.

Here’s what Trump tweeted today that got all the attention: “Our great country has been divided for decades. Sometimes you need protest in order to heel, & we will heel, & be stronger than ever before!”

That’s right, he got “heal” wrong twice in a row. That means it can’t have been a mere typo; he genuinely doesn’t know the difference between “heal” and “heel.” That set the internet off in a flurry.

Some asked if he was trying to send a subliminal message by using the word “heel.” Others darkly questioned if he had instead meant “Heil.” But most people just couldn’t get past the fact that the person holding the office President of the United States is A) this illiterate, and B) unwilling to rely on the vast resources of his office to prevent his illiteracy from seeing the light of day. Trump ended up deleting the tweet and replacing it with a corrected version. But he wasn’t done.

Donald Trump then tweeted “I want to applaud the many protestors in Boston who are speaking out against bigotry and hate. Our country will soon come together as one!” So after a full week of defending white supremacists and criticizing those who showed up to protest against white supremacists, Trump now seems to be meekly trying to curry favor with the protesters. That’ll be seen as far too little too late. Mainstream Americans have already unified behind the belief that Trump must be ousted from office for the nation to heal.

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