This is just embarrassing for GOP Senator Marsha Blackburn

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When ignorance rears its ugly head, people notice. And for Senator Marcia Blackburn, people noticed alright. The stomach-churning Senator from Tennessee made headlines this week — for all the wrong reasons. Judicial nominee Andre Mathis was being questioned. It was on Wednesday, and Blackburn was one of the Senators doing their questioning.

Mathis has the experience to do the job. And he presents well. There is only one problem for Blackburn. He is a man of color. Now Blackburn did not explicitly come out and SAY that was a problem. Instead, she came up with something so pathetically ignorant it actually managed to surprise us — in a world where few things do.

Blackburn, looking like the racist imbecile she is, proceeded to scold the nominee for what she deemed as his “RAP sheet.” Blackburn, her voice rising shrilly, claimed Mathis had a “laundry list of citations.” Only this is not true. Mathis has no rap sheet.

So, what was Blackburn so upset about? The answer is — a couple of traffic tickets. And they were from more than ten years ago. It was a shocking moment even by insurrection party standards. Blackburn’s statements were nothing more than racist dog whistles. She should be ashamed of herself, but shame is not an emotion that Republicans are all that familiar with.

Let this be a warning to people of color. This is how the sad old party sees them and talks about them –as non-people. This is why suppressing their votes is just another day at the park for the GOP.

Mathis will be confirmed. As for Blackburn, she has embarrassed herself mightily as well as embarrassing the state of Tennessee, who is unlucky enough to have this moron representing them.

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