Alex Jones goes utterly berserk as DOJ appears to be closing in on him

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It’s not as if right wing lunatic conspiracy theorist Alex Jones needs an excuse to go berserk; it’s just what he does. But today he’s going far more berserk than usual, to the point of blaming Ted Cruz of all people for the DOJ’s arrest yesterday of the Oath Keepers leadership. The reasoning behind Jones’ accusation is nonsensical, as expected. But the outburst reveals that even Jones understands that he’s likely next.

The DOJ waited until it had complete criminal cases against the entire Oath Keepers leadership before rounding them all up at once yesterday and charging them with seditious conspiracy, presumably to motivate them to try to beat each other to the punch for the first and most lenient plea deal. It’s pretty clear that the next rung up the ladder includes people like Roger Stone and Alex Jones, who appeared to act as January 6th liaisons between the Oath Keepers and Trump world.

So it’s not surprising that Alex Jones is now going utterly bonkers over the Oath Keepers arrests; he knows that it’s very likely an attempt at getting to people like him. Now comes the question of whether Jones will end up cutting a plea deal of his own once the DOJ inevitably arrests him. Jones has recently begun viciously lashing out at his own supposed allies such as Donald Trump and now Ted Cruz, so we won’t be shocked if he blames them for his arrest and then flips on them. Whether his cooperation would be coherent enough to be of any value is another matter.

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