Donald Trump’s henchmen are dropping left and right

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When the January 6th Committee spent a significant amount of time holding closed-door interviews with hundreds of lower level cooperating witnesses, skeptics and doomsday types wondered what if anything would come of it. But given that the committee is made up of aggressive and savvy people, we expected that once it was ready to go public, it would turn out to have cracked the case.

Sure enough, we’re now seeing that. Somewhere along the way the committee obtained enough evidence against Mark Meadows to scare him into flipping on the Trump regime and turning over all kinds of crucial evidence before trying to un-flip. Now we’re seeing that the committee has all kinds of tricks up its sleeve.

This week the committee released several incriminating text messages sent to Meadows, but withheld the names of the people who sent them. This was a smart trick to get those people to panic and do something stupid, and it worked. Jim Jordan outed himself as having sent one of them. Now Rick Perry is denying that he sent another one of them – and if he’s lying then he’s making himself look awfully guilty, given the evidence CNN has dug up that it did indeed come from his phone number. But there’s more.

Decades-long Trump henchman Roger Stone thought he was cleverly getting the January 6th Committee off his back yesterday when he pleaded the fifth in response to every question. But now the committee is confirming what Palmer Report has been pointing out for weeks, which is that doing so didn’t magically get Stone off the hook when it comes to criminal contempt.

So now the committee has Steve Bannon heading to prison for not cooperating, Mark Meadows likely heading to prison even after he did cooperate, Jim Jordan outing himself, Rick Perry clowning himself, and Roger Stone revealing that he’s apparently lost a step from the days in which he was always one step ahead of the law.

Keep in mind that this is all before the January 6th Committee even begins its nationally televised public hearings after the holidays, and presumably begins to reveal the mother lode of what all it’s uncovered. If Trump’s henchmen are already dropping this quickly, the new year should be fun to watch.

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