Donald Trump is self destructing

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Even as we keep hearing hype across social media about how Donald Trump is going to make some kind of magic comeback in 2024, we keep seeing something very different playing out in the real world. Trump rarely appears in public, comes off as feeble and defeated when he does, and spends most of his time plotting revenge fantasies against the people and groups he perceives as having been responsible for his downfall.

We’ve already seen Trump attacking various Republicans whom he’s deemed as insufficiently loyal to him. Now Trump is attacking entire voting blocs. In an almost bizarrely offensive remark today, Trump said that “the Jewish people in the United States either don’t like Israel or don’t care about Israel.”

This is patently false, and deranged. But one true fact about American Jews is that they voted overwhelmingly against him in 2016 and 2020, something he’s no doubt bitter about. So now Trump is lashing out at American Jews in bitter and antisemitic fashion.

Even though most American Jews voted against Trump the first two times and would therefore likely vote against him if he were to run again in 2024, this is not the kind of talk that a viable presidential candidate from either party can get away with. It’ll likely cost him support among the American Jews who did vote for him, and it could dampen enthusiasm for him among right wing evangelicals as well.

Donald Trump’s offensive antisemitic rhetoric is dangerous and needs to be loudly rebuked. But it’s also the latest sign that he knows he has no future and he’s increasingly bitter about it. Trump is self destructing, and he’s doing so at an accelerated pace.

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