“Man, knock it off!”

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Monday is when the attorneys in the Kyle Rittenhouse case make their closing statements. One must wonder if the Judge will even let the Prosecutor speak uninterrupted the way things have been going.

There have been a few developments worth mentioning in this trial. Governor Evers of Wisconsin has called for hundreds of national guards to stand by in and close to Kenosha.
This is a good idea as the trial has been hijacked and weaponized by the GOP and their Fox Pundits.

Case in point: Another development that has raised a few eyebrows is the mother of Rittenhouse. She made an appearance on Fox Death-news to rant and rave to Sean Hannity about President Biden “defaming” her son.

There’s been a lot of crying lately between Kyle’s tears (of which I did not actually SEE even one) and his mom; that’s enough tears to cause a potential flood.

In the meantime, Lebron James has just come out and said what many were and are thinking about Kyle’s tears: “Man, knock it off.”

These words were not received well by many Maga. Never one to miss the chance to mock a person of color, Megyn Kelly lambasted James with an indignant video that very few watched.

Angry Maga-bots declared James should be canceled, much to the amusement of many. So, we are nearing the end of this shitshow of a trial. I am not optimistic, but this is one time I hope dearly I am wrong.

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