What this Appeals Court ruling means for Donald Trump and the January 6th Committee

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It’s disappointing that the Appeals Court has temporarily held up the National Archives release of the 1/6 evidence against Donald Trump. But there’s no way Trump wins the case, and it should be decided before the end of the year. It sets up up the January 6th Committee for public hearings start of new year.

If I had to guess, this is probably roughly the timetable the 1/6 Committee was looking at anyway. This is all about getting the general public to pay attention, so you don’t hold public hearings over the holidays. And they’re still working their way through closed door interviews before public hearings anyway.

If you accept that the strategy of convincing the voting public of Trump’s 1/6 guilt is a long game, and that we’re not all going to be doomed by this time tomorrow unless some magic wand is waved, you’re okay with all of this.

It would have been better if the Appeals Court hadn’t intervened, because then it would have been over with already. But the only way this can have a bad outcome is if Trump actually wins the court case, which is extraordinarily unlikely. Or if he manages to stall for years, which is a non-starter given the fairly swift timetable laid out by the Appeals Court.

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