This is just ugly for Michael Flynn

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Michael Flynn is not having a good week. Just the sound of Flynn’s name sets my teeth on edge. The man is clearly insane and in need of help, and most know this. But there are some signs his MAGA popularity might be, in fact, sliding downward. Very few things would make me happier.

Per Rolling Stone, Flynn headlined an Anti-Vaxx event called WeCANAct liberty conference. Nice name. (Sarcasm.) What an event this was to be! Thousands of MAGA. Lots of hate speeches! Most likely chants of “lock (somebody) up.” And the big star of the night — Flynn himself! The event to remember! And it WILL be remembered but not for the reasons Flynn may have hoped.

Reportedly, the group was expecting about 10,000 attendees. Their site excitedly promoted the event, which was also billed as pro-assolini and referred to as a “large conference.” Except it wasn’t. Large, that is. Reportedly, the group was a bit off in their numbers. Someone made a wrong count. Instead, the vast, extravagant conference saw a pitiful number of attendees — somewhere between 800 and 1,000. Oh, dear.

Reportedly, empty chairs abounded. What’s a frustrated insurrectionist to do? The people who DID show up were — ahem — on the strange side. QAnon was referred to regularly, as was antimask propaganda. Luckily, very few were actually there to hear it.

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