This is just ugly for Matt Gaetz

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As Palmer Report has reported, things are looking dire for Matt Gaetz. The investigation is still going on. It appears to be ramping up. He had all those issues with his law license. His hair just keeps growing upward. No, things are definitely not looking good for the Venmo fan.

But now Matt Gaetz has done something productive! At least for HIM, it is productive. For us, it is once again cause for laughter.

Matt Gatez has given himself a nickname. (Stop laughing!!) I have not even said what it is yet.

Per Yahoo news, the nickname Gaetz has come up with is for him and two of his friends. One is Lauren Boebert of Colorado, and the other is Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia.

The nickname is — wait for it –“The pro-America squad.” How original.

Now you can laugh!

As crazy as this nickname is, Gaetz appears to be mighty proud of it. I think the better nickname would be “three traitors,” but that’s just me.

And as one can imagine, Twitter went nuts with the news of said nickname. And many tweeters came up with more suitable nicknames for the scraggly threesome.

Here are but a few:

“The three stooges.”

“The slime squad.”

“three idiots with old beady eyes.”

“3 twigs, no berries.”

“Band of misfits.”

“The devil’s spawn.”

“Venmo crew.”


“Dope, hairy and curly.”

“The three little pigs.”

“The insurrection section.”

So as you can see, the tweeters are pretty creative, and I will say I like ALL of their nicknames much better than the one Gaetz chose.

In the meantime, my advice to Gaetz would be to get ready because something tells me there will be lots of breaking news soon, and it will not be good news for Gaetz.

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