Marjorie Taylor Greene has total meltdown after Liz Cheney gets to her

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I’ve never been a big reality TV watcher. These shows are everywhere. And I have watched a few. But by and large, the world of reality television never did impress me all that much.

After all, we’re all sort of living our own reality show these days. I highly doubt any show could be stranger than our own world. And one thing these reality shows have a lot of is catfights. They’re everywhere. One sees them on The Bachelor. One sees them on The real housewives of (insert city name in here.)

But now we have a genuine REAL, unscripted catfight. It’s the battle of the blondes — no series needed. This occurred on the House floor. And it was between Wyoming’s Liz Cheney and Georgia’s Marjorie Taylor Greene. Guess who won Greene was the initiator of the argument. (No surprise there.)

Apparently, Greene started with Rep. Jamie Raskin. The obnoxious Greene demanded to know if Black Lives Matter protests would ever be investigated. Raskin sweetly replied that they would be happy to investigate Kyle Rittenhouse, who killed two protesters. Have to love Jamie.

Then Greene went batshit crazy. “This is a joke!” the human basket case shrieked. That is when Cheney calmly answered, saying Greene herself was the joke. I’m all in with Liz on that one.

Cheney kept her cool and then calmly told Greene to keep her focus on space lasers promoting Greene to meltdown further. “I never said that!” the aberration yelled. (She did.) “You’re done. You’re a joke.” So yes, Margie once again made a fool of herself. Catfights. Even in Congress, one just can’t get away from them.

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