Tucker Carlson’s David Duke problem

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Some things just go together. Bacon and eggs. Movies and hot buttered popcorn. President Biden and wisdom. Palmer Report and intelligent readers. Lindsey Graham and groveling. Tucker Carlson and racism. It is that last one I wish to speak about.

Terrible Tucker has been as vile as ever, sprouting an increasing amount of propaganda on the piece of garbage he calls a news show. But now someone is annoyed at Tucker. And said person is not a Democrat.

That’s right. The Fox moron has pissed off another racist. This racist seems to be upset that Tucker has not yet given him the credit he deserves for providing Tucker with the inspiration needed to take Fox death news even lower into the wretched bottom of the barrel.

And this mysterious person is speaking out about Tucker. Who is it? Why it’s David Duke, of course. A former leader of the Ku Klux Klan. Silly rabbits. Who else could it have been? Duke appears to be brimming with pride over his tutelage of Tucker and Trump. And the human beast has demanded credit from Tuck and Trump on the “white replacement theory.”

According to Duke, he was the inspiration for both Tucker and Trump. Well — I am not sure I’d disagree with that. But now the pathetic piece of crap is mad at the OTHER two pieces of crap for not appreciating him enough. Got all that?

In reality, what we have here are three vile freaks. And they’re all cut from the same cloth. I’d love to see the three musketeers leave this country and live on an island somewhere, away from humanity, never to be heard from again.

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