This is whacked out even for Lindsey Graham

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What do Brazilians, Gucci, and the state of Connecticut all have in common? Answer: Lindsey Graham, of course. Graham’s behavior has become increasingly bizarre over the last few months. He has spoken about his sadness that the orange one is no longer in office to keep Lindsey company. He has even called upon MAGA to start a “Draft Trump” movement to get the insurrectionist back.

But now, Lindsey is apparently worried about something else. And that “something” is — wait for it — Gucci. If you wonder what the famous designer has to do with Lindsey Graham, you are not alone. His latest comments have left many seemingly baffled.

This began on — where else — Fox Death-News. Graham was speaking to Sean Hannity when he unleashed his imagination in new and bizarre ways. According to Graham, 40,000 Brazilians have entered the United States. These Brazilians are draped in designer clothes, carrying gorgeous Gucci bags and heading toward the state of Connecticut.

You just can’t make this stuff up.

Here are Loony Lindsey’s exact words: “We had 40,000 Brazilians come through the Yuma sector alone, headed for Connecticut wearing designer clothes and Gucci bags.”

Wow. That’s a lot of Gucci. Obviously, there were questions about this bizarre Graham word salad. Lindsey’s spokesperson said the South Carolina Senator knew what they were wearing because Border agents told him. Right.

A few questions here:

Were the bags ALL Gucci? What about Calvin Klein? Or Dior? Did Gucci strike some exclusive deal with the migrants?

And why Connecticut? There ARE fifty states, not one. Is Connecticut going to change its name from the Nutmeg state to the “Gucci state?”

Last question –how can Palmer Report readers score a handbag? Are these mysterious bags going to be sold on eBay? And if not, why not?

Graham is out of his ever-loving mind. And Twitter knows it, which is why these words have gone viral.

Quicker than one could say, “who are you wearing?’ memes of Red carpet dresses and glittering handbags had taken over the internet. Maybe Graham should think a bit before he speaks next time, although that is highly unlikely to happen.

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