Donald Trump tweets “This is not a vacation” while in the middle of a round of golf

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Donald Trump has long unwittingly demonstrated that he doesn’t know what the presidency is, or what work is, or what the truth is. Now it appears he doesn’t know what irony is, either. After spending six months in office during which he’s done virtually no work, and spending as much as a third of that time on vacations where he’s also done no work, Trump has decided to head out on a seventeen day golf vacation – which he’s now insisting isn’t really a vacation – while sitting in a golf cart on a golf course.

This afternoon Donald Trump tweeted “Working in Bedminster, N.J., as long planned construction is being done at the White House. This is not a vacation – meetings and calls!” (link). No one has any idea what meetings or phone calls he’s supposedly engaging in while he’s at his golf resort in New Jersey, and of course, he hasn’t bothered to specify. But based on the timing of his tweet, it appears that his “meetings” were with his golf caddy and his “calls” were whatever he yelled out after hitting yet another bad golf shot.

Based on a tweet from Judd Legum, it appears that Donald Trump’s “not a vacation” tweet was posted during around of golf (link). This suggests that either Trump wrote he tweet while he was on the golf course, or one of his handlers was ghost-tweeting for him while he was out golfing.

In any case, tweeting “This is not a vacation” in the middle of a round of golf during a vacation might come as close as one can get to the legitimate definition of irony. And this is only Trump’s second day of his seventeeen day “this is not a vacation” vacation. We can’t wait to see how much work he doesn’t do tomorrow and the next day.

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