MAGA no-fly list

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I love to travel. I was flying before I could walk. I was born with eternal wanderlust, and airports always represented adventure to me. Perhaps to you as well? And I was never afraid to fly. Whether it be early morning or late at night, I was always going somewhere, and I loved every moment of it. Even after 9/11, I had no fear. I was not afraid. Now I am a bit afraid.

For the first time ever, I have some trepidation about flying. It is because of the nightmare playing out in the skies above us that has received far too little attention.

The situation with rogue passengers is getting worse. All over, flight attendants are being terrorized while trying to do their — extremely difficult jobs. And most of the issues are due to MAGA.

MAGA is not taking kindly to mask mandates on planes. This is really no surprise. They complain about everything else s why not this? But their behavior is frightening passengers and causing flight crews much grief.

“It’s the most hostile environment that we’ve ever faced,” said Sara Nelson, the President of the Flight Attendants Union. In some cases, it is MAGA passengers who are acting out. People are fighting, screaming and hitting, and kicking crew members and passengers.

It is getting out of control.

It does not help that many airlines are now understaffed. These people are doing the best they can among horrific challengers, not just from COVID but from human beings who apparently think abuse of their fellow passengers and flight crew is more important than fighting the virus and having a safe flight environment.

So I propose this: Any person who does this should immediately be put on a no-fly list.

These people do not deserve to fly. If they cannot stop thinking about themselves and their insane conspiracies for a few hours — indeed, if they cannot practice adult safety measures while flying — that makes them babies. So I propose let’s treat them like the babies they are. Put them on a do-not-fly list, and let’s get back to peace and harmony in the skies.

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