Matt Gaetz needs help

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Dear Matt Gaetz: You have failed the American people. You are under serious investigation for doing some pretty screwed-up stuff. An indictment will most likely be coming for you any day now.

You do nothing for your constituents. Reports have said your own district is pissed at you because you are doing nothing for them. You sit on Twitter all day and lie about President Biden, lie about this country, and lie about anything and everything. You have become nothing more than a joke. You embarked on a hate tour with the worst person in Congress besides yourself.

Nobody wants to see or hear from you. You have betrayed so many. It does not help that your hair is an eyesore one can never again unsee.

But with your latest remarks, you have shown yourself to be a terrorist supporter. And that is why you must resign now. I know you won’t. After all, when have you ever made a good decision? So, let’s fast-forward to your latest insane remarks.

You have declared that the Taliban are “more legitimate than the Biden administration.” Mr. Gaetz, your words are despicable. But I have a question for you.

If you love the Taliban so much and think they are legitimate, why not leave the country and go live under their rule? It certainly sounds from your statement that, at the very least, you admire these evil creatures. Of course, now might not be the right time to leave town, what with all your ongoing issues.

But could you please stop talking? Because every time you DO say something, you somehow manage to sound more ignorant than you did in the previous statement.

Please think seriously about doing your job in the remaining weeks before your indictment. And if you are unwilling to do so, please resign. Then you and your standing-at-attention hair can happily spend 24 hours on Twitter, and Florida can free itself of having such an unworthy coward such as you representing them.

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