Stephen Miller goes completely off the deep end

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Stephen Miller (Insurrection supporter, insurrection party, who cares where he’s from) is seemingly revolted by what is happening in Afghanistan. But it isn’t the Taliban he is revolted by. It isn’t the pain and suffering that many in the country are now feeling No, not-so-even-Stephen is anguished about something else he seems to feel is far, far more critical.

That is the refugees themselves and the fact that — gasp! They might now come to America! Horrors!

You see, Stephen Miller, though he might try to pretend otherwise, is a racist pig. HONESTLY — does anyone think otherwise about this “man”?

In an interview with monster Laura Ingraham, “Malarkey Miller” explained that the United States is not about humanitarianism. Really? That’s news to me. I thought America was ALL ABOUT such a thing.

But no, Stevie-boy insists. He also insists we cannot trust the Biden administration to “vet” refugees properly.

I am sure if it were up to Miller, we would not take in ANY of them. But the fact is Miller, although he might wish otherwise, isn’t the boss. And there are plenty of fascist countries he could move to who undoubtedly would be happy to have him.

I cannot help but watch with horrified awe as the GOP goes in real-time from “Biden screwed up” to literally shrieking about keeping the refugees out of the United States.

I want to close with something that I am sure all of your love, as do I. Some of the words on the Statue of Liberty, also called “The New Colossus” by Emma Lazarus.

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breath free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.”

We are living by those words. The GOP likely has not even read them.

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