The real reason Donald Trump is doing this

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Some people simply must be the center of attention, even if that attention is negative. One of the worst examples is former “president” Donald Trump. According to Huffington Post and Politico, he is suing social media because he was banned. Trump needs to take a hint: No one is looking for him. His failed attempt at a blog should show him that; however, that is not the only reason Trump filed his class action suit. In this case, it involves money.

Nick Corasaniti of New York Times shared some screenshots at Twitter of Trump turning his lawsuit into a fundraising campaign. One of the announcements tries to entice people by telling them if they donate “immediately,” it would be matched five times, and their names will go on a donor list that Trump personally sees. Big woo. The second is a text message that also includes “5X-Impact on all gifts!” He must have written that one himself; the exclamation point gives him away. What a crock. This man is constantly trying to bilk money from his supporters, but if they are stupid enough to continue giving money to a so-called billionaire, that is on them.

Trump claims that Facebook, Twitter, and Google “infringed his First Amendment” rights, as well as “those of thousands more.” Get real. Trump could care less about anyone other than himself. Make no mistake that this move is all about him. His blog tanked, and he has no other bullhorn from which to shout his ridiculousness, so he is angry at the social media sites that gave him the boot. One of Trump’s attorneys, John Coale, commented on the suit: “Who decides what’s hate? Who decides what’s misinformation?” He went on to say that only the Supreme Court can make such determinations, which is also a crock. “Misinformation” is Trump’s middle name.

Trump, of course, is crowing about the “trillions of dollars” that he plans to collect in damages, leading back to his using this suit to collect money from his daft supporters. According to Huff Post, he began fundraising immediately after the suit was filed. Interestingly, Trump and his attorneys sued in the Southern District of Florida. According to Reuters, suits against these companies are to be brought in California in accordance with their terms of service. That is of little consequence, however, as Trump has a record of suing God and everybody but never seeing the suits through. He is a classic shit-stirrer and is merely using this suit to raise funds and to deflect from the criminal charges against his company. His niece Mary Trump has already opined that if New York files charges against Ivanka, she will turn on Trump, so the proverbial plot continues to thicken on those criminal charges.

As he does so well, Donald Trump filed these suits to change the narrative currently surrounding him. He is also taking advantage of people who support him regardless of what he does and will pour money into his coffers. Hopefully, he can use some of that to defend himself in New York because the curtain is slowly closing on Trump.

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