Lev Parnas slam dunks Donald Trump Jr

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President Joe Biden has a very high approval rating, a growing list of accomplishments, and no real scandals – so the media is giving him a fair amount of positive coverage. Contrast that with Donald Trump, who generally had a very low approval rating, and spent most of his time saying offensive things and doing corrupt things – so most of his media coverage ended up being negative.

Accordingly, when Biden visited Michigan this weekend and stopped at an ice cream shop, CBS News posted a video of him ordering ice cream. It turns out Donald Trump Jr wasn’t very happy about this, whining on Twitter that “I’m beginning to think there may be a slight difference in the way the media handles leaders of different parties.”

Uh, no. This has nothing to do with parties. It’s the difference between how a popular and successful President is covered, and how a widely despised and scandal-ridden President is covered.

Lev Parnas, who has spent the past year and a half calling out the Trump regime, tweeted this in response: “Don’t think too hard Jr., you might hurt yourself. For your information, the media handles leaders based on how they lead. Think about the next time before you tweet.”

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