Nancy Pelosi sticks it to the Republicans

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While it was always obvious to us at Palmer Report that a Jan 6 committee would be happening regardless of what the Senate voted in favor of, and that a House committee appointed by Nancy Pelosi would have more authority than a bipartisan one formed by the Senate, one legitimate concern was that the GOP and right-wing media would try and spin the whole thing as a partisan witch hunt and try to gin up sympathy for their side by saying that any investigation of the insurrection was actually an attempt to investigate the speaker’s political opponents. Republican hopes of playing that angle just went out the window, however, as the House voted on the formation of the committee on Wednesday and they just grabbed bipartisan support, with Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) announcing his support for the measure, and making a statement that the House could not ignore what happened that day.

There is the possibility that Kinzinger or Liz Cheney could be put on the committee as well, which would make it even more clear that the committee is independent of any political ideology. There will likely still be those who claim the whole thing is a witch hunt – but it’s not going to have the same traction as it would if the committee passed solely with Democratic votes – and the more accusations are leveled at reps like Kinzinger or Cheney of being RINO’s or not true conservatives will only beg the question of why there needs to be a thorough investigation of everything leading up to the insurrection – just like the desperate false flag claims that Antifa or the FBI were really behind it. This is the kind of messaging Democratic candidates need to use when they run in 2022 if they want to win and keep the GOP in further disarray.

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