This attack on President Biden cannot stand

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Recently the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) advanced a plan to bar the President and others who support bodily autonomy for women from receiving communion. The plan is in its very early stages, but it was just so disheartening to see most Bishops vote for it. It is so disheartening to see the Bishops weaponize the Eucharist, which is a central part of not only the Catholic faith but many other Christian denominations as well.

These were men who looked the other way at the former guy’s many moral failings and evil acts. These were men who cheered on the former guy when he and other Republicans “owned the libs” or got hard Reich wing judges installed on courts all over the country and got the likes of Justice Beer Bong and ACB rammed onto the high court.

I was born and raised Roman Catholic. Up until early 2012 if you asked most who knew me, they would’ve said I’d be the last family member to leave the church. But I became more and more disillusioned as I saw the church turning into the GQP at prayer. In 2012, I finally had enough of the USCCB’s election year antics and became an Episcopalian. With their recent actions, the US Bishops have once again shown how it wanted to turn the church into a branch of the GQP. It is so disheartening and painful for me to see a church that was instrumental in building this country and did so much for me in my youth turn into another partisan tool of the GQP at the hands of its leaders.

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