Lindsey Graham goes completely off the deep end when he realizes Donald Trump is a goner

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Senator Lindsey Graham is sad. Graham (deeply troubled-insurrection party-South Carolina) does not appear to be too happy these days. Something or someone is on his mind, and he is speaking out about it.

And what is this issue that has the ineffective South Carolina Senator so sorrowful? Why it’s the former guy, of course! And we should not be surprised since there are no issues Graham appears to care about besides the former guy.

Graham has appeared on his safe space, Fox Propaganda network (Fox News), where he has let his emotions loose from his troubled psyche. First off, Graham did admit that if Trump runs in 2024, which will not happen, he has some “damage to repair.” To that statement, I say no sh## Sherlock. I am pretty sure most others will have the same reaction.

What is troubling the wistful Senator is this: Lindsey Graham misses the former guy. This is causing Lindsey deep distress as he appears to be pining for something that can never again be. And that is the former guy coming back into office.

“I miss Donald Trump,” the Senator said yearningly on Sean Hannity’s show. With his eyes full of misery and a sad look in his eyes, Graham appeared to be longing for the return of the lowly insurrectionist.

Then Graham got an idea. “Let’s start a draft Trump movement,” the nutter exclaimed.

I say let’s not. Graham, who is appearing more fanatical on the subject of the former guy, with each passing day, does not seem to realize the only thing that the former guy will maybe run for is President of his cell block when he gets to prison. I hope Graham can stop his insane musings long enough to do some work for the American people, but as of now, the prognosis does not look good.

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