Josh Hawley’s terrible week just keeps getting worse for him

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It just isn’t Josh Hawley’s week. Senator Hawley (Betrayer-Insurrection party-Missouri) has been taking a lot of incoming this week. First, he learned all his efforts to look cool were for naught as he polled at zero in the 2024 GOP presidential primary race.

Pretty rough news for Mr. Hawley, I’d say. But then, as if that news was not bad enough, Hawley made it worse for himself by tweeting that obtuse statement about all cops needing a pay raise.

Note to Hawley: do not pretend to back the blue when you’re raising your fist in support of the insurrectionists they fought off.

And faster than you could say, “third time’s the charm,” a third item reared its head regarding Hawley.

The Hate Crimes Act passed the House this week, reminding people that Hawley was the lone holdout in the Senate. And many folks are understandably furious about this. So, Hawley got himself a new Nickname, loving bestowed on him by the people of this country whom he has let down time and time again.

#HateCrimeHawley is that name. And this has been making a big splash on Twitter. I feel this is a name that fits Hawley. And with this name branding, Hawley finds himself not only an object of scorn but a bit of a pariah.

I say it couldn’t happen to a better person. Many Republicans are odious. But a special place is reserved for Hawley. His fist pump will be studied in the archives of American History, and it will be looked at as the epitome of cowardice.

So, sadly for Hawley, it appears his presidential dreams are going up in smoke. But for the rest of the country, that news comes with a big sigh of relief.

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