Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene deserve each other

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Congress is the legislative branch of our government that is supposed to represent us and make laws by which we are bound. According to the U.S. Capitol visitor’s site, the powers of Congress include: Making laws, declaring war, raising and providing public money and overseeing its proper expenditure, impeaching and trying federal officers, approving presidential appointments, approving treaties negotiated by the executive branch, and overseeing and investigating. Members of the House are paid $174,000 per year to carry out their duties, and they also receive perks and benefits. To the average American, this salary is more than enough incentive to ensure they do their jobs. Unfortunately, we now have people in Congress who are there to serve their own agendas. Two of the worst are Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene, who are planning a “tour” according to Politico.

Both Gaetz and Greene need to be quiet for different reasons. Gaetz should be focused on the federal investigation involving his alleged sex crimes. Greene has repeatedly said that she has nothing to do since she has been removed from her committees, but she never belonged on them in the first place. Both are vitriolic troublemakers, and they are nuts. If they are the face of the Republican party, it is in even more trouble than Republicans think.

They are calling this tour the “America First Tour.” They are nothing more than parrots of Trump’s agenda, which was defeated in November. No one is paying attention to them, and this is their way of getting the attention they so desperately crave. Gaetz is obviously trying to distract from the federal investigation which, if it turns up anything of significance, will end his political career at best and send him to jail at worst. Greene is merely a conspiracy theorist who somehow got people to vote her into office, and we can only assume that her supporters are likewise conspiracy theorists. Nothing else makes sense, as she certainly makes not even the slightest mention of her platform other than typical code words such as “cancel culture” and “radical liberals.” Perhaps her notion about Jewish space lasers came up after she was elected, as certainly no one in their right mind would support a candidate who says such outlandish things.

Gaetz now has yet another looney supporter, Tucker Carlson, who claims that Gaetz is the “target of overzealous prosecutors under a Democratic administration that wants to silence conservative voices.” Never mind that the investigation began in Trump’s DOJ; facts never matter to these people. They only care about sensationalism and distracting from their self-serving agendas. If their constituents consider that they are paying these two $174,000 per year to spout this nonsense, they should be asking for a refund.

People are not elected to Congress to fight with members of their own party and others, especially when they give no legitimate reasons for that fight. They see themselves as victims of “cancel culture,” yet they continue to do things that support canceling them.

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