How did Jared Kushner convince the Kremlin to protect him in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal?

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Since the start of this Donald Trump Jr. scandal, something has been consistently bothering me. Junior is clearly being thrown under the bus by everyone involved. Someone leaked this story to hurt him. And his own father is now hanging him out to dry. Junior is some kind of patsy in all this. And yet Jared Kushner is being protected by the same Kremlin rep who met with Junior. How did he manage to pull that off?

After it was revealed that Donald Trump Jr. met with Natalia Veselnitskaya, whom he was told was a Russian government attorney, she gave an interview about it to NBC News (link). She almost seemed to be taunting Junior for wanting dirt on Hillary Clinton so badly. But she also made a point of stressing that Jared Kushner left the meeting shortly after it started – and then she further stressed that he never came back to the meeting. She’s covering for him. How in the name of everything holy did Jared Kushner get the Kremlin to cover for him?

There are two possible scenarios here. The first is that the Kremlin itself leaked this meeting to the media to try to hurt Donald Trump Jr., presumably as a way of twisting Donald Trump’s arm on issues like sanctions. In this scenario, why would the Kremlin make a secondary effort to protect Kushner while destroying Junior? He did meet with them multiple times during the transition period. Maybe they just like him.

The other scenario is that someone leaked this meeting to the media to try to get Donald Trump impeached, and that everyone involved is now trying to cover for Kushner to try to keep him out of prison. He’s the one who lied about the meeting on a security clearance form. But even if the Trump campaign is trying to protect Kushner for that reason, again, why would the Kremlin’s lawyer make a point of playing along? Vladimir Putin doesn’t seem to care about Donald Trump Jr. at all, but he doesn’t want Jared Kushner going to prison. Why?

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