Donald Trump Jr. had another meeting with Kremlin representatives during the election

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Donald Trump Jr. has gotten himself in a ton of legal, political, and familial trouble this week over his meeting with a Kremlin representatives to try to rig the election against Hillary Clinton. When he was asked on Tuesday night by Sean Hannity whether he’d had additional contacts with the Russians, he admitted he did. Naturally, Hannity didn’t follow up. But the fact is, Trump Jr. did have another meeting with Kremlin representatives during the election. In fact I can prove it to you.

All I have to do is point you to a Wall Street Journal article from March 2nd (link), which flat out states that Donald Trump Jr. attended a meeting in October with two individuals who were working with the Russian government. In this instance they were trying to alter the Syrian civil war in the Kremlin’s favor, a position which Donald Trump has adopted since he took office.

What’s remarkable is that, in the furor these past few days about Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with the Kremlin to try to rig the election, it’s been largely forgotten that this was not the last time he ended up meeting with Kremlin reps during the course of the campaign. So when he admitted to Hannity this week that he did have ongoing contact with the Russian government after his treason meeting, it’s enough to make you wonder how much he communicated with the Kremlin in between his June meeting and his October meeting.

Even more bizarrely, the Wall Street Journal reported at the time that Donald Trump Jr. accepted $50,000 to attend the meeting. Yet the Trump family are (supposed) billionaires. This would be the equivalent of you or me attending a suspicious meeting, and then making it even more suspicious by accepting a $5 payment to show up. Either the Trump family is totally broke, or Donald Trump Jr. is somehow even stupider than we thought.

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