Biden DOJ is already looking into Georgia’s corrupt voter suppression antics

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When Georgia Republicans passed an absurd voter suppression law earlier this week, Palmer Report pointed out that it was a time for outrage and activism – but it was not a time for panic or fatalism. After all, the Democrats now control most of the federal government, and they’re not just going to helplessly roll over in the face of these unconstitutional antics.

Sure enough, President Joe Biden has announced that the Department of Justice is “taking a look” at the Georgia voter suppression law. This is a big deal, because if the DOJ finds constitutional grounds for challenging the law, all or part of it could end being thrown out in court before we get to the 2022 election.

This is in addition to HR1 and related federal legislation which would overrule much or most of the state level voter suppression effort. It’ll take hard work, but we fully expect HR1 to become law.

The bottom line is that the 2022 election will come down to the same thing that the 2020 election came down to: who wants it the most. We worked tirelessly and smartly in 2020, and as a result we overcame everything the Republicans threw at us – including the wide scale sabotage of the Post Office. In addition to legal and legislative remedies, we’ll simply have to work hard again in 2022 in order to win. Sufficient voter turnout always overcomes voter suppression. We just saw proof of that in 2020.

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