You just can’t bully Joe Biden

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Last Tuesday Sean Hannity once again started trying to fan the old accusatory flames that President Biden has dementia and VP Harris is standing by, just chomping at the bit to take over, by claiming Biden’s administration is hard at work trying to conceal Biden’s cognitive decline.

I learned Sean Hannity was using this tired old story again from a Trump supporter I was debating, until he became so frustrated that he was losing, he just blurted it out. It caught me off-guard because I had not heard this in a while, but there was a time when this was the pat answer conservative media had taught Trump and his Trumpeters to say in response to just about any criticism.

This used to infuriate me because anyone who has watched Biden interact with others at all knows it’s false, unless they have only seen quick clips of him stumbling over a word on conservative media, created by taking advantage of the fact that Biden still has a bit of a stutter, even though he overcame severe stuttering as a child – not an easy feat.

I have been blessed by many people in my life who suffered or have suffered from all sorts of mental handicaps or disabilities, big and small, and stood up to many bullies on their behalves. In 2008, I actually suffered a brain injury myself, and have come a long way but will never be quite myself again. So needless to say, I have not tolerated such fools well.

But at some point, I came to understand that these unfounded attacks on Biden are more of a defense mechanism than anything else. Biden is mentally strong; Biden is smart; Biden has a quick wit. Even though Biden is plain-spoken, he is not afraid to tackle complex issues that many in conservative media either don’t understand themselves, or won’t take the time to understand (or know their audience won’t), on top of the fact that they are often on the wrong side of the most important issues facing us today, so they bash, fear-monger, and incite hate.

Even Biden’s jokes often go over the heads of those in conservative media: I’ve watched it happen, and have even been embarrassed for them. Conservative media and the GOP (the party of the truly handicapped) have now become the biggest jokes, so just in case you’re guilty as charged, I won’t bully you any longer.

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