Good news for Democrats on the filibuster

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As if we have not had enough great news this week, a recent poll shows more good news for the Democrats. A poll from Data for progress shows that in the state of Arizona, 61% of Arizonians think it is more important to pass key bills and legislation rather than preserve Senate rules like the Filibuster. 26 percent say preserving traditions like the Filibuster is more critical.

The breakdown among party lines among those voting in favor of getting important bills passed is 76 percent of Democrats, 66 percent of Independents, and 42 percent of Republicans.

This poll is significant, mainly because it comes from Arizona. This is the state represented by Senator Kyrsten Sinema. She is the other senator besides Joe Manchin who has been a no vote on abolishing the Filibuster. This could have long-term implications. Manchin is already becoming more flexible on at least filibuster reform. But we still need Sinema as well.

A moderate Democrat from a moderate state that recently went full-on purple, Sinema will want to be on her constituents’ side. And with this poll, Arizonians are very clearly sending her a message.

This week is a celebration, and there will be more to come. This polling shows the great people of Arizona are focused on helping America continue its upward climb. And with the data to show this, Biden’s chances of a successful Presidency look more fantastic than ever.

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