Don’t get too comfortable

Palmer Report fundraising drive: Contribute now

In the coming weeks and months, President Biden and the Democrats are going to score more and more victories, and you’ll get accustomed to things getting better. I hope you’ll decide you want to keep that feeling for four years, and not just two. We’ll need your help winning the midterms.

For now the most important thing you can do is remain united behind our Democratic leaders, and push back against any attempts by the GOP and the media to create dissension within our ranks. But later this year, Democrats will need you to start donating and/or volunteering for 2022.

The thing about politics is that no victory is ever final. It was a new era when President Obama took office, and things began trending strongly in our direction. But this merely motivated the bottom feeders to try even harder to take control of things, and the Trump era speaks for itself.

Now the “good guys” are back in charge of the nation again. But we’re going to have to work hard to keep it that way as we move forward. So enjoy all the winning we’re seeing right now, but don’t take it for granted.

Palmer Report fundraising drive: Contribute now