Josh Hawley has dug himself an even deeper hole

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Josh Hawley, you say on your Twitter account, your front page newspaper op-Ed, and your book that you’ve been “muzzled.” You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Here’s the thing about Hawley. He just keeps digging himself an even deeper hole by painting himself as the real victim of the Capitol domestic terrorist attack. Instead of trying to distance himself from his role in the attack, or even simply moving on and hoping people forget he helped incited it, he’s making sure he’ll forever be known as the guy who incited it.

There’s no evil secret genius strategy here. Josh Hawley is just in way over his head. And with no way out, he’s decided to keep digging himself an even deeper hole. It’s the same approach that Trump always took whenever he screwed up, and we saw how poorly that worked out for him. Trump ended up losing in a blowout, impeached, and facing the prospect of criminal charges. Hawley may not fare much better.

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