Here’s the thing about Michael Flynn’s brother

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Last night a highly disturbing story broke from the Washington Post about how Michael Flynn’s brother was in the room when the DC Police tried and failed to get help from the National Guard during the U.S. Capitol attack.

This raises a number of ugly questions. Who ordered the U.S. Army to initially lie to the public about Flynn’s brother’s involvement? Does this mean that Donald Trump was behind the decision to stall for several hours on sending in the National Guard? And why do all of Trump’s scandals ultimately lead back to Putin’s favorite, Michael Flynn?

But here’s the thing. For once we’ve got an ugly breaking criminal scandal involving the Trump regime, and we know that something will actually be done about it. Everyone from the FBI to the Army will now investigate what really happened with this mess involving Flynn’s brother. The truth will come out. Any appropriate criminal charges will be brought. And we now have a President who won’t try to prevent justice being done. Welcome to the Biden era.

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